Therapy Dog Assessment
Please contact me at $25.00/1/2 hr
Liability Release and Agreement
I understand that Cold Noses Warm Hearts Dog Training may video or photograph dogs and people having fun. I agree that that some of these videos and pictures may be used in promotional material or website. These may also be used for continuing education of the trainer or other students.
I understand that having a trainer come into my home or meeting in an outside venue is not without risk to me, members of my family or guests who may attend, or to my dog(s).
I hereby irrevocably release, waive and indemnity Cold Noses Warm Hearts Dog Training and A.A.T., it’s owner, and staff from any and all claims for liability on account of any injury, loss, damage, infection, and diseases to my dog.
I accept all terms and conditions of this agreement and I agree to abide by those Rules and Regulations.
One-on-One Training - in your home
Design your own puppy/dog training,
Public venue training/Therapy Dog Training
Design your own training - common issues
Please contact me at $75.00/hour Recommend a minimum of 3 sessions, which has a $25.00 discount if paid in full at time of first session.
**Sessions must be completed within 3 months.
- I understand that there is a $25.00 fee for any returned checks
- Class fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
- Rescheduling of in-home appointments must be done a minimum of 72 hrs. prior, or payment will be required
- No hitting, kicking or excessive punishment of any kind is permitted. Positive reinforcement or management of the dog(s) will be the primary tools taught. The goal is to build a positive relationship between handler and dog.
- Discount for payment for a series of classes in advance. (3 or more)
- Series must be completed within 6 months of first session
TBD. 5 classes in public venues - elevators, mass transit, cafes, parking lots, hiking paths and more. Great training for your dogs in the real world. Excellent exposure for service dogs, emotional support dogs and therapy dogs. Please contact us for more information.
Cost $150.00 for 5 classes
Cancelled until further notice. Perfect class for dogs 3 months - 6 months of age or handlers that are experienced in raising a puppy. Some lecture and socialization is included.
Skills included in Focus, Loose Lead Walking, Sit, Down, Stay, Come
Cost $160.00/6 classes
Currently being taught at revolving sites around the I205 freeway.
Contact us to be placed on the wait list. This is the beginning class in K9 Nose Work™, building the search behaviors using primary (food or toy). This class teaches independent searching and confidence building in the dog. Class is currently FULL
Limited to 6 beginning students.
Cost: $150.00/6 sessions or $25 per session. Contact us for more information.
Cancelled until further notice. Lecture and training about basic behaviors and puppy raising. Supervised socialization with other puppies. Must have a minimum of 3 puppies to have class to provide adequate socialization of puppies.
For Puppies 8 weeks (minimum 1 set of vaccinations) to 10 months of age.
Cost: $150.00/6 classes
AKC Trick Dog Evaluation
Please contact me at $25.00/1/2 hr
AKC Canine Good Citizen® Evaluation
AKC Community Canine CGCA® Evaluation
AKC Urban Canine CGCU® Evaluation
Please contact me at $25.00. Discount price for large groups
Please us the "contact us" tab or email us at for information.
Planning for Fall 2022 session. Contact to get your name on the wait list.
Exercises include exposure to medical equipment, different types of people, learning to read your dog and be their best advocate. How do you de-stress your dog? Learn to prep yourself and your dog to be the best therapy dog team ever!!
Cost: $180.00/6 classes, each class 1 1/2 hours, one in a public venue.
AKC CGC Evaluation included. If already passed CGC, another level of AKC CGC evaluation will be offered. (Urban, et al)
Puppy Temperment testing of litters Assessment
Please contact me at Cost TBD
Cancelled until further notice.
For Puppies 8 weeks (minimum 1 set of vaccinations) to 6 months of age.
$15 drop in fee. Contact us for more information and if you want to attend.
Cancelled until further notice. Perfect class for dogs that have attended Teen Wuf and/or want to continue training to be a great family member. This class will concentrate on skills needed to pass the CGC evaluation. Dogs will be on the floor working for a minimum of 45 minutes per session. Classes are in Gresham in the Oregon Trail Shopping Center off Burnside
Skills included in Focus, Loose Lead Walking, Sit, Down, Stay, Come, Distractions, off-lead etc. Limited to 6 dogs
Cost: $170.00/6 classes Re-enrollees $150/6 classes
Currently being taught at revolving sites around the I205 freeway.
This class builds on the search skills learned in Intro to K9 Nose Work™ by adding odor to the searches. All 4 elements are included; Interiors, Exteriors, Containers and Vehicles.
Limited to 6 graduates of Intro to K9 Nose Work™ Class is currently FULL.
Cost: $150.00/6 sessions or $25/session. Contact us for more information.
Currently be taught at revolving sites around the I205 freeway.
This class continues to builds on odor association and independent searching. Additional odors are started with preparation to take the ORT (Odor recognition test). All 4 elements are included; Interiors, Exteriors, Containers and Vehicles.
Limited to 6 graduates of Intro to Odor Class. Current class is full.
Cost: $150.00/6 sessions. Contact us for more information.
Cancelled until further notice. Perfect class for dogs 5 months or older or graduated of STAR Puppy class. Younger puppies may be allowed after review of request. Puppies will be on the floor working for a minimum of 45 minutes per session. This class content will be modified to meet the handlers and dog's needs. Graduates of this class can re-enroll at a discount to continue to work on the skills required to by a well mannered dog. Limited to 6 dogs
Skills included in Focus, Loose Lead Walking, Sit, Down, Stay, Come
Cost: $170.00/6 classes Re-enrollee Cost: $150.00/6 classes
It's a great start towards training towards becoming a well mannered member of the family.
The CGC Evaluation is the basis for most therapy dog organizations evaluations.
Skills included are: Loose Lead Walking, Sit, Down, Stay, Come, Neutral Dog and CGC Evaluation.
Minimum of 4 students required.
Cost: $160.00/6 classes without the CGC test. $180.00 including the CGC test.